The following stats have been created by combining multiple individual Assessments to provide an understanding of what’s actually happening in our UK airspace by postcode area.
Stat 1.
Based on 170+ individual postcode flight Assessments from across the UK;
46% of ‘pass-by’ flights under 20k feet occur at weekends or Mon-Fri (7.00pm to 6.00am) I.e. they can regularly be heard during family quiet times within the home.
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Stat 2.
Based on 170+ individual postcode flight Assessments from across the UK;
The average time for a single flight to navigate through a local postcode airspace is 21 seconds. During this time our homes are subjected to sound waves i.e. noise and vibration and secondary noises.
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Stat 3.
Based on 170+ individual postcode flight Assessments from across the UK;
Flight activity at the major UK airports is distributed evenly over a 19 hour day (6:00 to 24:00) and also evenly across the 7 days . There is no rush hour it’s just continuous.
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