Airspace Noise Facts, Figures and Assessments.

Within the UK it’s highly likely every property is being actively Overflown by aircraft 7 days a week for 20 hours a day and that some postcodes are overflown by 4,500+ flights per day!

Over the past 3 years we’ve analysed over 950 UK postcodes, many of which are now available free online. If you require the very latest detailed flight movements analysis for your postcode then please see our range of Assessment Packages. The fees collected help cover the compute operating costs of running this non profit making service and also the free content contained in this Website. Every Assessment processes 400,000+ data points from datasets containing billions of aircraft movements.

So what do we mean by being Overflown?

Being overflown means an aircraft flying within 1 mile radius of your home or postcode, either inbound or outbound, from ANY airport. Our research shows that people living 30-50 miles from an airport are often more overflown that those living 3-6 miles from an airport. Why? The real life image below illustrates why. This was a single inbound Gatwick flight that overflew multiple postcode between 5:00am and 6:00am. Now extrapolate this scenario by the 1000s of flights that criss-cross the UK everyday and you will understand how flights can impact you.

The following is another example of a single flight Overflying multiple postcodes ranging at a height from 4,000 feet to 15,000 feet with sometimes less and 90 seconds separation between flights. This example was an arrival into Heathrow, notice the use of both the arrival stack and also the “trombone” shaped holding route over the North London postcodes. At the same time the postcodes were also being overflown by aircraft from other airports too.

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